Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a moment in history

So I'll admit that I did not vote for Barack Obama, but by the end of the campaign I could have definitely went either way. I had strong convictions that either man would do a quality job and respect them as quality men. Today as I have watched the coverage of the inauguaration, I cannot help but think of what a moment in history today was. I will certainly remember where I was when I saw our first African American president take the oath of office much like I remember where I was on Sept. 11, 2001 and other historical events that have happened during my lifetime. I will never try to imagine the feelings and emotions that all African Americans are having today because I just don't know what it is like to walk in their footsteps each and every day. I still was moved by the site of all the people on the national mall who came to hear President Obama's speech and witness history.

My heart is certainly heaving for both President Bush and President Obama. Life is going to change so drastically for President Bush and I pray that he feels a sense of peace and that God does protect him from harm. President Obama has such a huge task ahead of him and so people are looking to him as a savior for all of our country's problems. I pray for humility and wisdom as President Obama makes decisions for our nation. I also pray that God would protect him from hard, especially from those who expect so much from him and knowing he will not meet these extremely high expectations. May our nation be overcome with such passion to do good in our world each and every day and to have love for our neighbor be our strongest motivation.

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