Monday, January 5, 2009

here goes

This is something I've wanted to do for a while and Karen has inspired me to finally start. I always have so many thoughts going on in my head and feelings in my heart and they are hard to keep track of. I also don't share them enough and can get overwhelmed easily . . . thus I cry a lot. Becky always says she is jealous that I can share my emotions so easily, but I mostly get annoyed by it.

When I moved to Grand Rapids I was scared and prepared for struggles, but this has been the best and worst time of my life. Hanging out with friends, making so many memories, and sharing so many laughs has been what I was really missing in my life. On the career side, it has been so frustrating. I'm loving what I do more and more everyday, but it's hard to see a long-term future at the Y. Having faith is not something I usually struggle with, but trusting in God's timing is pretty hard right now. I need to be doing my part in drawing closer to Him and listening for His voice . . . I am determined to hear Him.

That's all for now . . .

1 comment:

  1. love you girl. I've been there and felt that. things do become clearer, although I think God's timing will be something none of us will ever really understand. so excited for you to share all your feelings! (and me to stalk them:))
