Sunday, July 26, 2009

my cup overfloweth

Summer brings dichotomous emotions for me. On one hand it is hard for me to fly by the seat of my pants and be out of a routine. I like order - that is no secret. However, summer has just also made my heart so full. I love how care free we all can be and just make so many fun memories together. Although it is still hard for me to be away from home so I can't make every family event, every day I am reminded that my new home is the place I need to be. Today was just another example of that. It was the 4th Annual Emily Duits Beach Volleyball Memorial Tournament. I had not been able to attend since the first one and this year I actually got to have a team in the tournament. The weather was crazy, the volleyball was okay, but the fellowship was amazing. Most of the girls from my team when Em played were there and it is just so awesome to see the girls and their parents remain so close. It just overwhelms my heart to know that our club and the sport of volleyball, along with Em's great life, could bring people together like that. God amazes me with his ability to connect people. I also got to visit with Em's grandma a little bit. She has such an amazing spirit and I love her outlook on life. I also love seeing Em's sister Sarah being a mom to her son Rydik, who is so adorable. I couldn't imagine losing a sister/best friend, but she has handled it and being a young mom beautifully. I got to visit with Em's mom Selena down in Louisville. I love that she can talk to me about Em and vice versa. Today was really all about celebration, which is what Em would've wanted. I pray that God continued to heal the hearts of those who loved Em the most and that Em's spirit is never forgotten. Thank you Lord for blessing our lives with her presence. Thank you for my wonderful friends who gave up their Sunday to play in the tournament. It was so fun to be a part of the day in that way and I'm grateful for their presence in my life. Please protect them because I don't know if I could bare losing them. Your ways are not always clear, but I cling to the truth that God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

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