Thursday, May 7, 2009

today's thoughts

I have a couple things on my mind today . . . mainly to keep my mind off Saturday. I swam for a little bit today and then sat in the whirlpool. I prefer to be in there alone, but I listened to the conversation of two older women also in the whirlpool. They began to to talk about one of their daughter's who is 32 and not married. The other women asked if something was wrong with her. Are you kidding me? Why do people assume something is wrong with them? Maybe something is wrong with all the people they have met. Ahhh . . . I just got so mad listening to them. It's people like that who make people like me question is something is wrong with us. I refuse to fall into that trap, though. It WILL happen . . . I'm trusting in God for that one.

As I was driving to practice I saw a guy behind me getting out a cigarette to smoke. It only took an instant for me to start hating that man and I don't even know him. Smoking is a habit I despise. I nagged my mom for years before she quit. I also have my first client who smokes and it just makes me so mad. Today was the first day, though, that it hit me . . . how is that habit different from me having to eat something sweet everyday. It's the same kind of addiction and much like smokers I can't nix the habit. I still don't like the smoking, but may think twice about eating dessert next time.

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