Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Even though my butt hurts from sitting in this chair for over an hour and I need a shower desperately . . . I needed to get out my blogging itch. Here are the randoms in my brain.

- Am seriously annoyed at a coach of ours who is expressing his frustration with me/us on facebook! Really?! Are we not adults and can we not discuss things in person? I'm so mad at him and I'm not sure if I even want to talk with him right now because I might hit him.

- My roommate left her pager on so I've listen to it vibrate constantly for the last 1.5 hours. Not a biggee, but a little annoying. (fyi - roommate just came home after writing this . . . lol) P.S. no more parties as we now having seating for one. Our 3rd, non-existent roommate came and got her furniture this week. So sad to have an empty house and only 1 month left here. I am definitely avoiding packing, but at least have a place to go temporarily.

- I was reminded of how awesome my friends are this weekend . . . not only because they kept telling me, but because two of them ran a marathon! They were amazing! I was so moved when they crossed the finish line. What an accomplishment for them, I'm so glad I got to witness it. We spent an amazing weekend of camping and shared countless laughs . . . I'm just so lucky and can't wait for the rest of the summer.

- I began a 21-day cleanse for my mind, body, and spirit yesterday. There is a lot I'm trying to cleanse myself of and I'm going a little slow. First is no TV and no radio in the car. So far so good, except for 20 minutes today while I ate my lunch. The food is a little more complicated b/c I haven't had time to shop, but am focusing on no sugar, junk, caffeine, or fast food for right now and am doing well. Just excited to refresh and refocus.

My head feels a little clearer . . . time to shower up!

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