Wednesday, April 21, 2010

part 1

I have a little downtime during jobs and want to track my thoughts going into this weekend . . . this weekend being part 1 of the "Megathon." If you're unclear this is my attempt to complete two 1/2 marathons in 2 weeks. I never want to run a marathon or another race longer than a 10K after this, but these are two races on my bucket list so I'm doing them at the same time. I feel so much better this time around compared to training for the RiverBank last year. I was in severe pain for much of my training last year and then the race was cold & rainy & not a lot of fun, but I did it. This time around I have pushed myself and am actually running a lot faster. I also feel a lot better because of the strength training I've been doing for my legs. I'm hoping I am not let down with a bad race and am trying to hold on to my excitement and enjoy the race.

It's in Nashville, which is going to be so fun. There are bands all along the race route, which should be entertaining, but hopefully not distracting. I do want to take my camera and look out for famous people, though!

The thing I'm most nervous about is the actual trip. I am the planner in my group of friends, but I feel like I annoy people with that characteristic and that I don't always think the way they do so I am trying to back off a little bit. I know it probably seems weird, but that's hard for me. In general I just feel a little disconnected from things and misunderstood a lot. I'm running around doing 7 billion things and would love for people to be interested in at least 1 billion of those things, but it doesn't happen very often so I just share it with my small bloggy world (Al). I'm a little nervous about club practice tonight . . . 15 year olds shouldn't make me nervous, but they do. I take my job seriously and if all they think about me is negative then I don't feel like I am being a good role model for them. On the flip side it's been a great week with the DU girls. They are actually excited about summer training (we'll see how they feel in July) and are loving what we're doing with the program. I will try to hold on to those positives.

It's also been a hard week because our bible study lessons are on sin . . . yuck! Sin is so terrible and makes me angry at myself and I don't always feel the power God's given us to defeat sin. I actually feel rather powerless so having to think about your sin and then feeling like you can't do anything about it is a little discouraging. It's one of those things that you know the truth, but it doesn't change your feelings & emotions. Anywho, at least I'll have 2 hours and roughly 5-10 minutes to just chill this weekend . . . here we come Nashville!

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