Friday, February 5, 2010


I am so glad to be able to write this post with a joyful heart that is rejoicing to its fullest! The Lord has blessed me with a new job . . . the head women's volleyball coach at Davenport University! It feels so good to say that. :)

I feel as though my reversal of destiny is now complete . . . wow, have things around me come together for such a time as this or what? I guess this is that feeling I've heard others talk about where they look back and see exactly the steps God led them on and why. It is INCREDIBLE to know that my God cares enough for me to plan out every single bit of this experience. Why do we ever doubt him?

The hardest thing was overcoming Satan's voice in my head telling me that it wasn't going to happen and that I wasn't good enough. It took every ounce of my spirit to hold on to faith that God's plan is good for me . . . if this job didn't happen his plan would still be good, but so great to see a dream fulfilled. A dream that was really hard to ask for and cling to after a previous dream was dashed. I have a variety of passwords for different things, but the longest running one is "withallmyheart." I think I've had it since high school and it's how I live. The trouble is when disappointment comes it hurts everywhere and that's how I felt for the last couple months. Then when some relationships were healed and a new dream came around I jumped in with the only way I know how. I now get to experience the benefit of that lifestyle . . . the joy feels so good.

Beth Moore has warned that when we wait for so long that when the answer finally comes, God moves so fast it's hard to hold on. I'm not quite there yet, but I know that it's coming and I'm welcoming it with open arms. God is good and consistent and loves so unconditionally. Praise God that he cares for each one of us!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Megan! I am so happy for you...happy for your dream job...happy to see you faithfully clinging to the Lord!
