Friday, January 1, 2010

a new year

I suppose it is fitting that I blog on this historic day of resolutions, although I don't really have any specific resolutions for the new year. Last year I did decide to become a blogger and 60 posts later I am glad I did it. Along with my journal (the first I've managed to write in regularly and fill up), it has been great to take time and reflect on what God has been teaching, which has been a lot, and just share some of my random thoughts with others.

After a year and a half of being excited about life again and feeling a little bit of purpose and direction again, I must say I am struggling with the feelings of limbo that I'm having. A bit of depression is creeping into my soul and I am desperately trying to run to God instead of running away from him because he is my mighty rock and my refuge. If I have learned anything at all this year it is how to love God more deeply and and that he greatly desires for me to love him in return.

I wouldn't say that I have any resolutions, but I will continue to strive to avoid my selfish ambitions and to put others' interests before my own. This is a continual challenge of mine that I am somewhat shameful of, but am grateful for God's grace to know I can repent of these things and strive to improve.

The year 2009 was truly a great one, just like all the others I've been blessed to have because they have all been gifts from God. Yes, some bad and sad things have happened, but I will not complain about them. This past year was a year of reconnecting with great friends and remembering what it's like to live near those special loved ones. It's been a year of great travel, which I'm excited to do more of next year. It's been a year of trusting as God has changed some of my dreams and clouded my view of the future.

Above all I want to make 2010 about following God's way and His commands. May he be the center of your new year and all the days to come.

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