Thursday, September 3, 2009

the gift of age

I met some new clients if I need to change this week who are 27, but I never would've guessed their age if it wasn't written on their questionnaire. I am terrible at guessing people's age because I have such a skewed view of my own age. I thought to myself . . . "I don't look as old as them." The same thing happened when I watched Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion last week. They were going to their 10 year high school reunion (which we have next year) and I know I don't look as old as them! When I shared this with Karen, she just responded . . . "we are old." Great! It's not a bad thing, I just don't know if I need to change my self perspective or something.

One thing I know for sure is that I am grateful for the gift of age and all the things I have learned along the way (knowing that there is still much, much more to come). All of our FaR Out freshmen have been away at college for a few weeks now and it's interesting to read their facebook statuses. They share about going through the hardest time of their life - physically, emotionally, and mentally. I remember those days . . . your whole identity changes and you are pushed to the max. I thought I would never be challenged more than that in my whole life. I thought that until I graduated and was on my own . . . then I realized that life could get a whole lot harder. Through all of those experiences I realized that life can always get harder and it's important to find a way to enjoy the period that you are currently in. There will always been challenges, but if we dwell on those we will miss all of the joys that we could experience at the same time.

Oh, I love thinking I am so wise at a mere 27. :) I do appreciate the peace that God has given me about my current life stage. It's fun to just enjoy myself. Although I'm looking forward to what God has in store for me next . . . I'm trying noo to rush because I know the unknown will be a lot of difficult challenges.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow you post early in the morning. And yes, I agree with not being able to guess ages anymore. I think I am much younger sometimes too. But, it's official. I'm a
    "lady" now, apparently. I've been called a lady like 10 times in the last the grocery store, a mother (twice my age btw) said to her son who was about to run into me, "hey watch out for that lady", or the little girl in the park pointing at my stomch and tugs on her mom's shirt, "I think that lady is going to have a baby"....I'm not a lady! I'm still a girl, or gal, or chick....but not lady! :)
