I guess I thought that since I really committed this house buying process to God that He would do everything on our time schedule. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Our closing date has been changed once again . . . ugh! Instead of going through the annoying circumstances that have brought us to this point, I'll mention the positive things that have happened . . .
First of all, I was able to have a relaxing weekend with my wonderful friends at Karen's wonderful cottage. Good times were had by all! 

Second, my dad is coming to help me move. What a blessing! He's a great packer and I'm excited for him to see where I live.
Third, we have found some great furniture at some great deals!
Fourth, my boss is letting me work on Wednesday (now that I don't have a house to get into yet), which is a huge blessing.
Fifth, my wonderful friend Dez is letting me stay at her house until we can get into our house.
Sixth, the insurance lady that has helped us has been great. She is even starting our policy early so my stuff will be covered.
I'm sure there have been other things, but I'm really trying to look on the bright side. I am such a planner so all the setbacks have been really hard for me, but I'm sure God has a purpose through all of it. Before I finish my packing I'm watching the Cosby show (which always makes me laugh) and cranking the tunes. A Terri Clark song is really fitting today . . .
"You want an answer as soon as you say a prayer
You want to land the moment you're in the air
Baby the living is all in the getting there."
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