Today was such a joy! Al's baby shower was today and it went very well. I absolutely loved planning it for her and it was great to have so many people who love Al in one place. She doesn't always do well in the spotlight (unless she's playing volleyball), but no one could've noticed. When I get the chance to do events like this I can practice my patience and flexibility. I definitely do like to be in control of all situations, but God has taught me so much about that over the last few years. Our trip to South Africa was a huge factor. I work really hard at just going with the flow (I know you should work to do that) and not getting stressed out about little things. In that regard today was a huge success and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.
Sometimes it still is hard to see my friends experiencing these great milestones like getting married or having babies, but I continue to look at my life and know that God is in control. I just bask in their joy and am sincerely full of joy for them and their experiences. I'm so glad for friends that let me be a part of those things. People like Brittany and Al are so open about things and I know all that I learn from them will help when it's my turn. I tend to get caught up with age, but that's not how life works. There's no rhyme or reason with age, just God's timing.
Anywho, what a blast. Now I just want to meet the little guy and start loving on him!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
catching up
So many thoughts in my head today. I need to catch up and slow my mind down before I get to tackling my to do list (which is long).
First of all . . . finally saw "Slumdog Millionaire" over the weekend. I remember when Regis Philbin was talking about this months ago and I knew I wanted to see it. It was great. There certainly were some questionable parts, but the storyline was so intricate and the cinematography was incredible. I would definitely recommend it if you appreciate good filmmaking.
A huge answer to prayer came through yesterday. I'm trying not to be happy in a vengeful way, but just happy that an opportunity is hopefully opening up for me. Please continue to pray that God might answer my prayer. I'm certainly going to do everything on my part to pursue this opportunity and I am definitely at a place where I will accept God's answer one way or the other. However, I will never stop dreaming big and hoping that God will give me the desire of my heart. His word tells us to ask and you shall receive. I never want to assume what the answer will be, but rather do my part and pray and wait on the Lord's answer.
So, I've been struggling a ton with mindless eating recently, which is a very frustrating time because I haven't been able to workout because of an injury and I'm teaching a class trying to help people with the same issues. It's nice because I can share from experience, but I feel guilty about it a lot. I don't usually give things up for lint because we just didn't do that as kids, but if the timing is right I like to participate. I have decided to give up fast food (definition: anything with a drive thru) because it's so easy for me to give into a craving without even thinking. I feel the whole point of lint is to remember God's sacrifice for us when we are tempted by the thing we are giving up. This will definitely be perfect for me and I'm open to what God has to teach me through this experience.
Last night I took my club team to watch one of our players play in a basketball game. The girls came over for dinner, decorated shirt, and posters. I love those events because I get to be immersed in the life of a 16 year old again. On the one hand I'm reminded just how old I am because I have trouble remembering what that time in my life was like. I find myself judging their silliness. As soon as that happens, though, I stop myself and remember how annoying those people were when I was 16 because I was just having fun and loving life. I don't want them to lose that because it certainly does not last forever. It was just an absolute joy and I thank for those experiences and the opportunity to be a part of their lives.
Okay, I'm feeling better . . . now I just need to write out my list and start checking things off. Here's to a great day!
First of all . . . finally saw "Slumdog Millionaire" over the weekend. I remember when Regis Philbin was talking about this months ago and I knew I wanted to see it. It was great. There certainly were some questionable parts, but the storyline was so intricate and the cinematography was incredible. I would definitely recommend it if you appreciate good filmmaking.
A huge answer to prayer came through yesterday. I'm trying not to be happy in a vengeful way, but just happy that an opportunity is hopefully opening up for me. Please continue to pray that God might answer my prayer. I'm certainly going to do everything on my part to pursue this opportunity and I am definitely at a place where I will accept God's answer one way or the other. However, I will never stop dreaming big and hoping that God will give me the desire of my heart. His word tells us to ask and you shall receive. I never want to assume what the answer will be, but rather do my part and pray and wait on the Lord's answer.
So, I've been struggling a ton with mindless eating recently, which is a very frustrating time because I haven't been able to workout because of an injury and I'm teaching a class trying to help people with the same issues. It's nice because I can share from experience, but I feel guilty about it a lot. I don't usually give things up for lint because we just didn't do that as kids, but if the timing is right I like to participate. I have decided to give up fast food (definition: anything with a drive thru) because it's so easy for me to give into a craving without even thinking. I feel the whole point of lint is to remember God's sacrifice for us when we are tempted by the thing we are giving up. This will definitely be perfect for me and I'm open to what God has to teach me through this experience.
Last night I took my club team to watch one of our players play in a basketball game. The girls came over for dinner, decorated shirt, and posters. I love those events because I get to be immersed in the life of a 16 year old again. On the one hand I'm reminded just how old I am because I have trouble remembering what that time in my life was like. I find myself judging their silliness. As soon as that happens, though, I stop myself and remember how annoying those people were when I was 16 because I was just having fun and loving life. I don't want them to lose that because it certainly does not last forever. It was just an absolute joy and I thank for those experiences and the opportunity to be a part of their lives.
Okay, I'm feeling better . . . now I just need to write out my list and start checking things off. Here's to a great day!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
the bachelor
Well every Monday I keep falling asleep and don't get to watch the end of the Bachelor until a few days later. I knew Jillian had been eliminated, but I still wanted to see the second hour. I had an inkling that she was going to be eliminated early on in the last show because of Jason's talk of there being a lack of passion. This is the same thing that happen in the Bachelorette. Everyone knew that Jason & Deanna were perfect for each other, but she chose the relationship that had all the passion and adventure. That's what that show is designed to do. The couples go on all of these outrageous dates that ignite all this passion and that's what they think they want or what will last. Jillian's comment about being 90 and wanting to be next to your best friend is so true. Listen to me share all of my relationship wisdom! ;) It's not for me to say that Jason & Jillian would've made it, but I do believe that concept is true. You do need to have passion, but how can you tell on that show if the passion is real or not?
My heart was breaking for Jillian because she portrayed exactly what we all do when those feelings of love start to overtake our logic. She was already picturing her life with Jason and Ty, which makes the heartbreak even tougher. Why do we do this to ourselves? And how do you avoid it because if you don't let yourself fall, the relationship will never grow and develop and those real feelings will not develop. Ahhh . . . the joys and sorrows of relationships. Maybe God realizes that I can't handle that kind of stress right now and that's why there are no prospects in my life!
It's interesting how they are trying to make us believe that Deanna is coming back to the show to win Jason back, but I think she is going to help him make a good decision. She knows she had a good thing with Jason and she doesn't want him to make the same mistake she did.
Now that Jillian has become kind of the "fan favorite," I think it's inevitable that she will be the next bachelorette. Whoever ends up with her will be very lucky because she is very level-headed and adventureous at the same time.
Although these shows continue to frustrate me, I will continue to watch!
My heart was breaking for Jillian because she portrayed exactly what we all do when those feelings of love start to overtake our logic. She was already picturing her life with Jason and Ty, which makes the heartbreak even tougher. Why do we do this to ourselves? And how do you avoid it because if you don't let yourself fall, the relationship will never grow and develop and those real feelings will not develop. Ahhh . . . the joys and sorrows of relationships. Maybe God realizes that I can't handle that kind of stress right now and that's why there are no prospects in my life!
It's interesting how they are trying to make us believe that Deanna is coming back to the show to win Jason back, but I think she is going to help him make a good decision. She knows she had a good thing with Jason and she doesn't want him to make the same mistake she did.
Now that Jillian has become kind of the "fan favorite," I think it's inevitable that she will be the next bachelorette. Whoever ends up with her will be very lucky because she is very level-headed and adventureous at the same time.
Although these shows continue to frustrate me, I will continue to watch!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I am enjoying my Move It to Lose It class so much. We have lost one participant, but everyone else is doing an incredible job. I'm getting my teaching fix and learning to appreciate each of their individual personalities. I have recently become convicted, though. I'm asking a lot of them (log their food, exercise at least 5 days a week, etc.) and I'm not sharing in those tasks. Recently, I have just been eating everything in sight and do not feel good about myself. I need to become more conscious of what I put into my body and make positive choices for myself. So I have decided to join them in their efforts. Although it's another thing in my day, I'm going to log my food and do what I can to exercise 5 times during the week. I want to be a good example for them, but also take care of myself.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
it's always something
As the years go on, I'm realizing more and more that I have a definitely likeness to my father. He has pursued a number of different careers and has moved countless times because of a job change for him or my stepmom. I think it's that we always think there is something better out there. I feel like I'm always going through this. I'm trying to find opportunities to be more full time at the Y or other possible options. It seems like right now a lot of different possibilities are floating around, but none certain. I know I'm being vague, but it just seems like when one option comes up more seems to follow and it's so confusing. One of the things I've been working on is being more specific in my prayers. I've been asking God to open some huge doors for me and to make things very clear and I just continue to try in him. Ahhh . . . wish I could be more specific, but if you read this and feel compelled I would ask that you would pray that God would answer my prayers in a clear and mighty way.
My heart beats, standing on the edge
But my feet have finally left the ledge
Like an acrobat
There's no turning back
I'm letting go
Of the life I planned for me
And my dreams
Losing control
Of my destiny
Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe
So I'm letting go
This is a giant leap of faith
Trusting and trying to embrace
The fear of the unknown
Beyond my comfort zone
Giving in to your gravity
Knowing You are holding me
I'm not afraid
Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe
Feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me
- Francesca Batistelli
My heart beats, standing on the edge
But my feet have finally left the ledge
Like an acrobat
There's no turning back
I'm letting go
Of the life I planned for me
And my dreams
Losing control
Of my destiny
Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe
So I'm letting go
This is a giant leap of faith
Trusting and trying to embrace
The fear of the unknown
Beyond my comfort zone
Giving in to your gravity
Knowing You are holding me
I'm not afraid
Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe
Feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me
- Francesca Batistelli
Saturday, February 7, 2009
my passion
When I was still in high school we were asked to help coach the 12 and under team through the volleyball club we had through school. I still remember helping those girls and how cool it was when they got their first overhand serve over the net. I would venture out on a limb and say that I knew that early on that I knew I had a passion for coaching. My sophomore year of college I began my tenure at FaR Out Volleyball Club. Our then assistant coach Heather Kwantes connected me with the Steenhuysen's and I coached one of the local 14s teams. I remember going to practice one day and being so excited that I was going to be coaching there. I really didn't know at the time how great a program I was going to be working with, but just excited to be coaching. My team wasn't great, but we definitely improved and had fun (which should be every coach's goal). Soon after coaching my first year of club, Joe & Roxane approached me about joining their staff. At first they weren't sure what position they thought would be best, but it worked out that they wanted me to be their assistant coach. So as a junior in college I was working with one of the best volleyball teams in the state of Michigan and was being mentored by two of the best coaches around. I still joke with them about what they saw in me to take me under their wing. Whatever it was I am eternally grateful. They made me a part of the EK volleyball family and their own family. Each year I was able to coach club as well (did 12s, 14s, & 16s). My teams weren't always great (i.e. my 12s did not winning a single game in our last tournament), while others put our club on the map (16s qualifying for nationals, finishing T-5 at MEQ and 25th at Nationals). Every year it became more clear that God had really given me some amazing gifts to understand the game and how to teach it to young players.
My passion goes beyond just skills and strategy, though, for two reasons. One is that I've been blessed with some amazing coaches who were more like parents and friends. My high school coach would move heaven and earth for me just because he loved me and wanted to see me succeed. My first coach in college was a incredible woman who taught me about playing for the glory of God because He is the only audience that matters. I seek to model after them in my own coaching. The other reason is a player I coached in 2005 -- Emily Duits.

She personified a major lesson I struggled to learn as a player and that is playing volleyball for the pure joy of playing. She truly loved everything about the game as well as her teammates. It was a huge blow when she died in the fall of 2005. Being able to coach someone like Em was simply a blessing from God and I will always carry on her spirit to all the teams I am fortunate to coach. I consider it an honor to work with all the young women that I do. They truly are "my glory and my joy." I am sincerely grateful for the opportunities God has given me to do such honorable work. This season is becoming no exception. My team may not be the most talented or most athletic, but they do the things I ask, they are enthusiastic, they are humble, and they are respectful. They are teaching me a lot about patience and grace this year. I keep telling people that I can't wait till the end of the season because they are going to be a transformed group of girls. I'm just so grateful to help faciliate the process and to experience it with them.
Thank you Lord for the talents you have blessed me with and opportunity to use them. May the work I do always be for your glory alone. I pray that Em's joy and loving spirit would never leave me and that I could somehow keep it alive in the girls that I get to coach.
My passion goes beyond just skills and strategy, though, for two reasons. One is that I've been blessed with some amazing coaches who were more like parents and friends. My high school coach would move heaven and earth for me just because he loved me and wanted to see me succeed. My first coach in college was a incredible woman who taught me about playing for the glory of God because He is the only audience that matters. I seek to model after them in my own coaching. The other reason is a player I coached in 2005 -- Emily Duits.

She personified a major lesson I struggled to learn as a player and that is playing volleyball for the pure joy of playing. She truly loved everything about the game as well as her teammates. It was a huge blow when she died in the fall of 2005. Being able to coach someone like Em was simply a blessing from God and I will always carry on her spirit to all the teams I am fortunate to coach. I consider it an honor to work with all the young women that I do. They truly are "my glory and my joy." I am sincerely grateful for the opportunities God has given me to do such honorable work. This season is becoming no exception. My team may not be the most talented or most athletic, but they do the things I ask, they are enthusiastic, they are humble, and they are respectful. They are teaching me a lot about patience and grace this year. I keep telling people that I can't wait till the end of the season because they are going to be a transformed group of girls. I'm just so grateful to help faciliate the process and to experience it with them.
Thank you Lord for the talents you have blessed me with and opportunity to use them. May the work I do always be for your glory alone. I pray that Em's joy and loving spirit would never leave me and that I could somehow keep it alive in the girls that I get to coach.
Friday, February 6, 2009
best concert . . . so far
It's not a secret that I love going to concerts. They are like a drug for me . . . the whole time the band is playing I'm just on such a high and I get to escape reality for a brief time. I'm losing track of all the major concerts I've been to, but let's see if I can count: Garth Brooks once (long time ago!), Kenny Chesney & Rascal Flatts together (Indianapolis w/ Ashley), Kenny Chesney & Gretchen Wilson (GR w/ Ashley), Kenny Cheseny & Sugarland (Lexington w/ Ashley), Sugarland (Ft. Wayne w/ Karen), Rascal Flatts (Indianapolis w/ mom, Ft. Wayne & GR w/ Dez). I wish I could be a groupie for a living . . . maybe someday!

Anyway, last night Dez and I got to see Rascal Flatts right here in GR. First time I haven't had to drive a long distance to a concert, which was awesome. Elissa was originally going to go, but she had voice class and humbly gave her ticket to Dez (who is eternally grateful). Here's a rundown of our night . . .
We planned to go to TGI Fridays for dinner and drinks but the wait was over an hour so we went to Gardella's, which was great. The bartender was cute and flirted with us and the atmosphere was calm and relaxing. On the way there we picked up our tickets, but didn't know just how good they were at that point.
We then headed over to Van Andel and began the walk to our seats. We got our pink bracelets for the floor and got led all the way to the front. We were hitting each other the hold time freaking out about how close we were . . . just couldn't believe it. We were about 6 rows from the front stage and right next to the side catwalk that went through the audience on the floor. We made instant friends with the ladies next to us from Canada. We informed them that if they were sitting next to us they had to be fun and they were. We listened to Jessica Simpson who was terrible. She was so emotional on stage and played with her hair the whole time.
The anticipation was incredible as we waiting for Rascal Flatts to come out. When the lights finally went out we were so excited. Then there was a loud boom and some fireworks on stage and Gary, Jay, and Joe Don appeared. That's when I got to see what I was waiting for all night . . . Dez's super excited face that she only has when she sees Rascal!
By the second song we already had sore throats from screaming and singing. One of the first songs was a favorite of mine: "Secret Smile." We sang every word to every song and loved every minute. Every time one of the guys walked down the catwalk on our side we were right by the stage reaching for them. Gary was first and even sang to Dez for a little bit. I didn't actually get to grab Joe Don's hand, but did brush his fingers. When Jay came by he was busy playing the guitar so we pretty much groped his leg before he finally took a break and touch our hands. It was just a surreal experience! 
The night finally hit the climax as the guys were finishing up their set before the encore. Joe Don was on our side (of course) and started signing autographs (including signing a towel that we were two people away from catching). I told Dez to get over there and grab him for a picture. She was yelling at him and finally just grabbed him and he bent down for a picture. The timing worked out perfectly that people moved and I got a sweet picture of them . . . PRICELESS! I was a little jealous, but I knew Dez would treasure it forever.
The guys came out for an encore during which they played "Me and My Gang" and "Bob That Head." It was a great ending to the evening. We tried to collect ourselves and soak in the moment. While we were sitting there we saw some parents of a girl that we both coach and then Matt and Natalie Means. Matt had found us on his binoculars and was watching us swoon the whole time! I do sincerely wish more people could have enjoyed this event with us. I can't wait till the next concert . . . maybe I will be so lucky to see Sugarland AND Rascal Flatts at the same time.
Monday, February 2, 2009
how old?
I didn't think I would be that into the Superbowl this year, but turns out it was an incredible game and we know how emotional I get about intense sporting events. My heart was pounding the entire 4th quarter! I would've been happy for either team to win. I was watching some interviews with Ben Rothlisberger and remembered that we are pretty much the same age . . . yes, that's right . . . he has TWO superbowl rings at age 26! For a split second I began to question my own personal worth and if I had accomplished as much in the same amount of time. Then I quickly kicked myself and realized there is no comparison. Only one quarterback gets that honor each year out of the 30 some that attempt each season. While there is still so much that I want to do in life, I have accomplished plenty. I already have two college degrees, have completed a triathlon, have owned a house, own a car, run a volleyball club, have incredible friends and family, and much, much more. How incredible for Ben, though. I just hope he appreciates the opportunities he has been given/earned in life and is as humble and gracious at Kurt Warner.
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